Reader suggestions for “A View from Afar.”

My friend Selwyn Manning and I are wondering what to do with our podcast “A View from Afar.” Some readers will also have tuned into the podcast, which I regularly feature on KP as a media link. But we have some thinking to do about how to proceed, and it is for that reason that I am inviting KP reader feedback.

As readers may know, AVFA has no sponsors, advertisers, subscribers or crowd-sources and generates no revenue. To do the show Selwyn and I sit in our home offices and connect via video link since we live in different parts of NZ We have the occasional visiting guest but the usual format is Selwyn and I having a conversation about something of international interest, including NZ foreign policy when appropriate or pertinent. But most of our conversations are about global events and trends.

The show has been going for five years and gotten some decent recognition amongst those with an eye to geopolitics and strategic analysis from a South Pacific perspective, and has a dedicate core of viewers/listeners who follow the show. AVFA tends to average +/- 500 views on YouTube, which makes it a micro-niche podcast in a world of giants.

I would therefore be interested in reader suggestions as to what to do with AVFA. Selwyn and I will be talking soon about how to proceed, and any input is welcome. As things stand we can close shop and shut down, do an occasional “special edition” broadcast when significant global events happen, do a semi-regular or regular limited broadcast schedule (say, once a month), or try to do weekly or biweekly broadcasts. TBH, I believe that we do not have the resources to do anything more than once a month, as we do not have research assistance or external funding that would allow at least one of us to dedicate our time to the broadcast, and have other things to do in order to keep financially solvent. Selwyn does all of the technical work on top of his business ventures, and I have consultancy commitments that take me away from the more general-but-specific type of analysis that we offer on AVFA.

So the question is: from where to from here?

3 Replies to “Reader suggestions for “A View from Afar.””

  1. The lack of sponsors is presumably a conscious decision.
    If that is the case, monthly is fine if it’s possible.

  2. Stephen,

    We tried for NZ on Air once and got rejected at the first step. We have not found an institution, foundation or other agency that has offered to help, and are wary of strings attached in any event.

  3. AVFA is I believe an important voice so if its to continue I’d be satisfied with at least once a month. There is very little intelligent and insightful geopolitical dialogue in Aotearoa and only Bernard Hickey and Peter Bale on the Hoon is comparable to AVF (although the Hoon admirably covers may topics and is not just focused on geopolitics). With the ever increasing tensions around the world AVFA is compelling listening.

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