Blog Link: Could Fiji Emulate Singapore?

Although we in NZ have been preoccupied with our own national election,  Fiji had one a few days earlier that arguably is far more important when it comes to that country’s long-term prospects. Much has been written about this foundational election and the transition from dictatorship to democracy, but in this 36th Parallel analysis I consider the possibility that Fiji may see Singapore as a developmental model worth emulating.

It is not as crazy an idea as you might think at first glance.

3 Replies to “Blog Link: Could Fiji Emulate Singapore?”

  1. Paul Buchanan says : [ letter as referred to; and an exercise in comparison of Fiji with real commercial power Asia ]
    Quote “
    Although we in NZ have been preoccupied with our own national election, Fiji had one a few days earlier that arguably is far more important when it comes to that country’s long-term prospects. Much has been written about this foundational election and the transition from dictatorship to democracy, but in this 36th Parallel analysis I consider the possibility that Fiji may see Singapore as a developmental model worth emulating. It is not as crazy an idea as you might think at first glance. “
    “Fiji represents the latest iteration of a “top-down” transition from authoritarian to elected civilian rule. “Top down” regime transitions are those where the outgoing authoritarian regime controls the process by which elected government is installed, including the timing and terms of elections. The process is usually marked by two things: limitations on the ability of opposition groups to organise and have their messages heard in a measure equal to mili-tary-backed “official” or “continuity” parties; and the election of a government that favours the interests of the coalition underpinning the authoritarian regime (ostensibly in the interest of stability
    “ The outgoing military bureaucratic regime crafted the electoral framework and a new constitution under which the election buchanan was held and the entering government will operate. It used a mixture of divide and conquer and carrot and stick approaches to the opposition and public at large, and it maintained a firm grip on all aspects of the campaign. Former dictator Voreque “Frank” Baimimarama’s Fiji First Party won a clear majority in the 2014 elections with nearly 59.20 percent of the vote. Baimimarama and his authoritarian Attorney General, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum (the main author of the new constitution and electoral rules), were the first and third favourite candidates amongst voters, and Fiji First candidates occupied most of the top twenty spots in terms of voter preference .” unquote

    from Paul Scott
    This exact situation exists in Thailand now. Paul, but in a much bigger way. On the strategic front Thailand links China, to Laos, Myanmar, India, and South to Malaysia and Singapore by land. On the charm offensive Presdient Xi is working with all Asian Countries [ except Vietnam of course] Then there is Khazakstan another road to the West o
    And on the sea the warships China will command trade vessels through the China sea to as far as the Mediterranean
    The great moron USA blithely told Thailand it must return to the totally corrupt Democracy it had before when the poor were stripped in favour of the evil Shinawatra clan. This sent Thailand spiralling and simple into the hands of President Xi .
    Thailand comparison : That is what the previous Military in Thailand did not realize. It takes ten years or even a generation to make the fundamental changes necessary. This military regime has set as its primary goal, and end to corruption , which wasted 15% of GDP. General Prayut in Thailand has a disadvantage in this long process and that is his age. But there is evidence that the line of successor is purposefully built into the new Constitution and rule. The King is old , but his Majesty approves of this process. Otherwise the mad feudal lord to strip our Thailand, and my Wife’s sons future. The chain of command is Prayut, Army, appointed cabinet, appointed government. That’s absolute . He sings simple little songs about returning happiness to Thailand.
    further Paul Buchanan synpopsis , I refer readers to :

    Well, God knows where the 36th parallel is. I think the real parallel will cut across the South China sea and it means the Islands, and some of Borneo, and Vietnam and Cambodia. Dream on here if you will about the importance of Fiji.
    From China with love, Laos, good morning Vietnam, Cambodia, India, the South China sea, affiliation with Russia and the Crimea, they want everything, and while Obama pontificates , China and its Maritime silk road and new territory will send your sons to slavery. We are on the way to Singapore.
    You saw how we fucked Hong Kong and Taiwan.You will soon see how the india, and Sri Lanka and all Asia snivels at my feet . Your Empire is over. and you and your climate and your sickling EU, and UN, get down on your knees, Open your borders we have big guns, and your weakling master is shooting chicken coops, on land in Syria at night as they hide and 20 million dollars per hen house.
    You are fucked Christians . You do not have the guts, and you do not have the money. We will get to Fiji when we are ready. Prepare the way through the middle east for us.

  2. Corrections, Thailand is under military rule, with good backing from most Thais, this rule not likely to be transferred to democratic soon.
    China stuff is off subject. I posted my first draft by mistake and could not delete.

  3. Paul:

    The 36t Parallel South runs just north of Auckland and crosses parts of Australia, Argentina and Chile.

    Chinese ambitions are well-understood in SE Asia and beyond. That is what the US pivot to Asia and strategic hedging has been all about. Remember that ambition does not seamlessly translate into actually fact.

    It would be greatly appreciated if you could refrain from swearing in your comments. We try to keep things semi-civil here.

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