Kissing babies

… or in this case, trying to brainwash them. Ali Ikram’s Political Week in Review includes a clip of John Key at a rally against the Waterview decision telling a wee kid in a stylish National-Blue jersey with ACT-Yellow shoulder pads:

Your favourite colour is blue, ok? Not red. Those people, they’re cold and desperate.

Now, he’s clearly hamming it up for the camera crew and present adults, but this is nasty, divisive stuff. Leave the kids out of it, at least until they’re old enough to know that you can’t always believe what strange men tell you.

This isn’t quite as outrageous as those parents who took their hapless kids along to protest in favour of violence against children, but it’s more evidence against the moderate, inclusive Brand Key.

(Thanks to D for the tipoff.)


10 Replies to “Kissing babies”

  1. At least National have a youth development policy – more than can be said about the other big blue squad – the Blues.

  2. Do we really want to enshrine parochial sports-team-like loyalties as our political future, though?


  3. That’s an interesting comment by Key. Someone needs to grab a copy of that video clip.

  4. Aye, r0b. Fascinating indeed, a disturbing, poignant and revealing wee vignette well worthy of preservation.

    Top dog in any room, yet still compelled to urinate on every tiny annoyance: the callous and rehearsed “cold and desperate” spray at the Labour youth delivered with the signature and dulcet sybaritic sibilance – utterly oblivious to the jarring disconnection between the poisonous invective, the tone of delivery, and the bundle of innocent purity in his arms that he takes as vector.

    Like “right-wing humour”, a destabilising glimpse into the offal pit across the road to humanity: those seething and insatiable worms of brutal self-assertion and repression – piteous in their endemic habitat of expression deep in the sewerblogs and talkback land, but of some concern in the belly of our top chihuahua.

    No real worries but: he’d have taken us into Iraq, but his new boss dog is one of us. Thank God for Barrack.

  5. My two daughters were part of that group. I can assure you they are neither cold nor desperate. Key and co ridicule them at their peril.

    If you look at the subsequent video of the public meeting where Melissa Lee opened her mouth and inserted her foot over South Auckland criminals and the crime prevention benefits of motorways many of the young people protesting were in the audience challenging her. It all apparently got too much for Melissa. She was clearly under instructions to bring all debates around to crime as often as possible but she did not have the nous to realise that these instructions could be taken too far.

    The nats ought to be very afraid. Labour Youth has recently exploded in talent and membership and this next generation of activists will challenge and terrify them for a long time to come.

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